…and just like that it is the First Day of Spring

Where have the first three months of the year gone? With all of the madness going in around us I think it is time to take a deep breath and try to see the brighter side. For me it is that there will be even more time for stitching. Unfortunately, as of Wednesday afternoon, the… Continue reading …and just like that it is the First Day of Spring

Stitching , Stitching, Stitching……..Goldwork.

Continuing on my Future Tutor journey, the focus for the first half of the Second term has been on the techniques of traditional Goldwork – learning how to handle, stitch, and store metal threads. All Future Tutor students are required to complete a set piece of Goldwork which has three of symbols that have been… Continue reading Stitching , Stitching, Stitching……..Goldwork.